1·There was only a weak response.
2·“It certainly triggered the development of national plans in some countries, but all in all the response was quite weak in the sense of global awareness and coordinated action,” Dziekan says.
3·Indian farmers planted less sugarcane last year after sugar prices fell, partly in response to a ban on exports. A weak monsoon also threatens this year's production.
4·The European response has been weak.
5·After all, central Banks usually cut interest rates in response to weak demand and low inflation.
6·The German attitude toward the euro zone - that the weak must become strong - has filtered into the country's response to the European debt crisis.
7·Objective response is a weak surrogate of activity in phase II trials, since in most cases, the predominant effect of these compounds is basically cytostatic.
8·The measure circuits designed on relative principle can nicely detect optic weak signal and have characteristics of high dynamic response.
9·An OPA128 operational amplifier with extreme low bias current and big gain is adopted for enhancing the response to weak signals.
10·This paper studied the response times of the vertically aligned liquid crystal display with weak surface anchoring.